  維運公告內容 | Bulletin Content
  公告類別: 線路
  事件類別: 計畫性維護
  公告發佈日期: 2024-10-17 08:43:23

Lumen intends to carry out internal maintenance. The nature of this work is to relocate fiber cable on the Lumen network and is required in order to proactively avoid unplanned outages due to a new school that is being built.

  預估影響時間: 2024-11-08 14:00:00 ~ 2024-11-08 20:00:00
  影響範圍: 以下電路有中斷風險,正常情況不影響服務
#12 LA-NY 1G
  補充說明: 正常情況下不影響服務
累積到訪人數:707031   (Since 2008/01/01)